Expected Work For Year 2011
- Deployment of at least 4 research to be published in international journals
° Publishing a book in French diabetic patients and medical students.
° Innovation and manufacturing device for the treatment of diabetic foot gangrene and a preliminary study it.
° Participation in global conference is the largest of its kind in the world's three research.
° Completion of studies spanning
° Create a group supporting patients with diabetic foot ulcer.
° Improve the web site of the scientific chair.
° Highlight the achievements of the chair in the media.
° Access to more patents and registration deposit.
° Setting for an international conference in 2012
° Finished writing the chapter on the uses of honey in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer.
° Completing analysis of studies being carried out currently.
° Participation by teaching diabetic foot problem within the developed curriculum plan for the Faculty of Medicine.