Why Does The Gangrene Happen?

Weak or interrupted blood perfusion for part of the human body leads to a favorable and corrosive this part, including that we can not revive the dead, so,this part which has died must be removed surgical methods, and often occurs in the tips of the fingers and foot.
Do the gangrene walk and expand?
Some believe that when you remove or amputation of part of the foot, the gangrene walk, extending to other parts, and this belief is wrong, because gangarena Do not walk, but what is happening is an increase in favorable tissue due to lack of blood supply to this part, forcing doctors again to remove this part of the foot or limb, it is possible to reduce the disadvantage for expansion in tissue by improving foot perfusion with blood, through the expansion of the arteries, or cultivation and delivery of the arteries to the affected part

Last Update
5/7/2011 6:37:17 AM