Diabetes and Foot

Occurrence of diabetic foot in patients with diabetes is not a rare case, half of diabetic patients with diabetic foot without feeling occurrence, and increase the percentage of damage and injuries to the foot, leading to sores and infections, which may require amputation in many cases, have become diabetic foot main reason for the amputation of a foot in the the world.
 the world began in the attention of the seriousness of diabetes on society, began the opening of specialist clinics for this disease, and with the prevalence of diabetes appeared many of the complications is the most important diabetic foot, which necessitated the opening of clinics independent of the foot sugar in its health programs, and separate sections in hospitals, and work in this Clinics and departments an integrated team of specialists in their respective domain
Education and counseling and prevention can reduce cases of diabetic foot significantly, and the knowledge of the situation and treatment as well as to prevent amputation, and through this site we will try to profile the situation and ways to deal with them to reach positive results.

Last Update
2/28/2011 7:31:35 AM