Scientific Chair Expected Results
Researches are expected to reduce diabetic foot complications, help better understand the nature of diabetic ulcer and amputation and improve curing methods locally and internationally through:
Reducing amputation among people with diabetes as minimum internationally.
Preventing people with diabetes from developing diabetic foot problems by controlling ulcers to its minim worldwide.
Creating a national diabetic foot database.
Publishing more than 12 researches in accredited magazines to help specialists and healthcare providers offer a better service in KSA.
Establishing a diabetic research and treatment center.
Setting a clinical care treatment and dietitian protocol to guide specialists and healthcare providers.
Holding an international convention/ forum discussing the problem and launching awareness campaign.
Creating a curing formula for diabetic foot to replace the available expensive ones.
Publishing a book through an international publisher to enhance scientific research.
Publishing educational materials for patients.
Publishing training and educational materials for healthcare providers.