The Fact That Diabetic Foot Disease

Frequent rumors about  diabetic foot disease, and it has to make the surgical intervention and amputation, so  the magazine inquired about this important subject of the Doctor - Abdullah Al-Wahabi, Consultant Vascular Surgeon at King Fahad National Guard, and Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University, on the Foot diabetes and complications that could occur to them, and his answers came from questions on the magazine as follows:

What happens to the diabetic foot?
Diabetic foot occurs for several reasons, including:
A weakness in the nerves of the Parties; Here are three types of nerves in the body, namely: sensory, motor, and independence; all of which are affected by diabetes.
And enable us to sensory nerves of feeling pain when injury or inflammation, burns, or a sense of touch or pressure.

Last Update
5/2/2011 2:07:45 AM