
This logo symbolizes chair Sheikh / Mohammed Bin Hussein Al-Amoudi research to the problem of diabetic foot and diabetic foot complications and the factors leading to them, it being a problem of localized disease, a disease in diabetes.
The form that year is a cross-section in the foot as a color [brown] Pacific logo layer of the skin surrounding the foot, and notes the existence of the letter [D] in English is a symbol of the disease that causes diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) and inside the letter [F] is a symbol of the word presented in English ( Foot). White has been used to refer to the color components of the bone structure of the human foot and thus the structure of the logo.
As noted in a set of overlapping circles of different colors, which indicates the presence of different factors and multiple mechanisms in diabetic foot problem that affects all tissues and may result in foot occurred in the Department of gangrene and subsequent amputation of the Party, the Chamber [black].
The rest of the colors of circles: he used color [red] to refer to the arteries, [blue] to refer to the veins, and [dark red] to refer to the muscles, and [yellow] to refer to the peripheral nerves.
The overlap between the circles cause of the problem of diabetic foot requires a comprehensive approach taking into account the fact that the problem is caused by diabetes and its complications to all tissues of the foot.
Last Update
6/24/2010 6:09:39 PM