Sports and Diabetes

Research found that physical activity:
1. Reduces blood sugar and blood pressure.
2. Decreases LDL cholesterol and raise beneficial cholesterol.
3. Improves the body's ability to use insulin.
4. Reduces risk of heart disease and strokes.
5. Maintain the heart and bones strong.
6. Keep the joints flexible.
7. Reduces your risk of a fall.
8. Helps in weight loss.
9. Decreases body fat.
10. Gives you more energy.
11. Reduces the intensity and tension you have.

Physical activity plays a role in the prevention of diabetes type II as shown by studies is that losing 5-7% of the weight of a delay diabetes type II.

What kind of physical activity which is beneficial?

Four types of physical activity can be useful:

Hyperactivity throughout the day.
Swedish aerobic exercise.
Exercise strength exercises.
Elongating exercises.

Be more active every day!

To be more active can increase the number of calories you burn and there are several ways to do this:

walk while you speak by phone.
Play with your children.
Get up to change TV stations to watch TV instead of using the remote control.
 walk in the garden or collect herbs.
 clean the house.
Wash the car.
Put your car in a garage a little bit away from the center of shopping and walk to it.
In place of shopping, use the stairs instead of elevators.
Go to work to meet your friends instead of the conversation by phone or e-mail.
Use of peace rather than elevators.
The break in the tour instead of drinking coffee or eating.
During the lunch break tour in the workplace.
Exercise Swedish aerobic.

Swedish exercises:

Is a set of exercises you need to use large muscles and makes your heart beat very much and he breathes with difficulty during the exercises, March these exercises 30 minutes a day most days of the week and this is what gives you many benefits and can be divided into a period of 30 minutes to several parts you can walk fast for 10 minutes 3 times a day, once after every meal.
If you do not play sports may already need to view your doctor why you the effort of physical excess must learn about the warm-up the initial before the exercise (WARM UP) and exercises calm (COOL DOWN) after each exercise, then start with 50-10 minutes per day and then add more time Each week aimed at 150 to 200 minutes each week try:
- Walking quickly.
- Running up the stairs.
- Swimming or aquatic exercise.
- Dance.
- Ride a bike outside the home or a stationary bicycle at home.
- The presence of aerobic classes.
- Playing basketball, volleyball or other sports.
- Ice skating.
- Playing tennis.

March strength exercises:

Exercises with carry heavy loads Hand and elastic bands or devices power twice or three times a week builds muscle, and if you have more muscles and the fat of less, you will burn more calories because muscle burns more calories than calories burned adipose tissue, even in the lessons of sports , strength exercises to help you move freely day and improve balance and coordination as well as the health of your bones more can exercise strength exercises at home in the fitness center or the classroom.


Elongating increases flexibility and decreases stress and helps to relieve muscle pain after exercise other sports.

You can play sports at any time?

Of course, this time with daily meals and your daily schedule and medicines for diabetes.
If you play sports, if Skrk above 300 mg / 100 mL blood sugar can rise more, it is best not to exercise even download Skrk 300 mg / 100 ml blood.
And also not recommended if the Exercise and Sport Skrk fasting more than 250 mg / 100 ml blood, and you have ketones in the urine.

Last Update
4/29/2011 5:37:37 AM