Yes, there is a significant difference between the incidence of diabetic foot in the Arab world and the West, for several reasons, including:
1 - Climate and boot
Where we find that the climate in the Arab world be warm and dry throughout the year in most areas, so the (sandal) is a boot formal different types and all classes, but the problem in (sandal it does not protect from injury or from the heat or drought.
As mentioned previously, diabetes causes dryness and cracks in the skin, which makes the feet susceptible to infections.
And also may be (sandal) component of the interval between the first and second finger of the foot, and this separation causes the friction blisters, and then when the skin is exposed to, and with diabetes do not feel this friction and inflammation only at a late stage.
2 - customs
Walking barefoot is usually prevalent in many parts of the Arab world, this habit may be a few, but they still exist, and must protect the feet when the patient in the home or yard.
3 - Cut Nails
It may be the most common reasons for diabetic foot infection, since they often see the advanced infections led to the amputation was the beginning of injury due to cutting the nails the wrong way.
The diabetic patient becomes weak with time to consider, and this - with the wrong way to cut nails - causes a wound to the toes when the nails, and inflammation.
4 - education
Spread proportion illiteracy in Arab world than in West, This leads to non awareness how Care bipeds and avoid foot diabetes.
5 - media
Despite the increase in the proportion of medical programs to increase awareness of different media in the Arab world, but they are still much lower than it is in the West.
6 - folk medicine
Of the most important problems that we face a problem (ironing), where there is in medicine that make ironing last treatment, but unfortunately, some patients in our community to make your ironing the first means of treatment, each disease; and lead to worsening diabetic foot, they often see Advanced infections worsened after ironing.
7 - Cupping
Acupuncture is a medicine of the Prophet, with its indications for, but the way cupping deployed at the present time is not without flaws, especially with regard to methods of sterilization, resulting sometimes in the transmission of infectious diseases.
8 - folk medicines
Use a large proportion of people with diabetes - when they are sore foot - to spice dealers or doctors folk, and start using these drugs - which have mostly non-sterile and unknown components - and often a cause of these drugs in increasing inflammation and delay seeking treatment from specialist doctors.
9 - Fear of surgery
Of the main reasons for not seeking treatment from specialist doctors, the patient is the fear of surgery or amputation.
10 - Society and rumors
This is why it is the most important reasons for the spread of the diabetic foot and its complications in our society, when infected with the patient's foot, diabetes, occurs when the wound, go to the pharmacy to buy a disinfectant or anti, or may use some conventional therapy; and suddenly - within a few days - to find that the wound has grown and spread seemed foot shape uncomfortable, only then patient goes to hospital, but after too late, Most cases diabetic foot which receive hospitals be in advanced state, so be source risk life because inflammation and gangrene, that may lead to death if spread in body, For this forced doctor in some cases amputation foot. It may be more severe, so that the patient must stay in the hospital for a long time waiting for the Control of inflammation and fusion of the wound, and that permeates the amputation of some fingers or a portion of the foot.
Do you end the problems at this point, or that the patient needs more care and observation?
When there is amputation of the foot or leg, will not it end there, but will require the patient to a long time and a major effort to rehabilitate mentally, socially and physically, to return to practice his routine and spend his needs by himself, and this type of rehabilitation needs to be a great effort from all disciplines dealing with the patient.