A Book On The Control of Diabetes

Mayo Clinic
Written by: Maria Collazo - Clavel
The original publisher: MAYO CLINIC
Publication Date 2002
Diabetes is a  common serious disease , but today is no longer surrounded by suspicion and distrust that was surrounded by them, as the doctors today are aware of what should be done to adjust the rate of this disease and help the patient to live healthy and productive life. But the doctor alone can not do that, since the successful control of this disease requires collective action and commitment from the patient for life.
This book provides the reader with sufficient information and practical advice to help verify authenticity. These can be the same advice also prevent the emergence of diabetes, if he had been exposed to it. It also will help the reader understand what is diabetes and how it might affect his health in the absence of control it well, and also discusses the key factors to control the disease, such as the control level of blood sugar, eat a healthy diet, exercise daily and maintain a healthy weight.
It also reviews the many drugs available to control diabetes, as well as on the progress that has been made in controlling drugs and experimental treatments are promising. And most of this information comes from the experiences of doctors, endocrine and other specialists at Mayo Clinic

Last Update
5/7/2011 6:17:25 AM