Gestational Diabetes
diabetes is a condition affecting a high proportion of pregnant women
up to half a per cent, and often occurs in the second half of the
duration of pregnancy, as a result of large changes in hormones in the
body as a variety of reasons, often women heal from diabetes after birth
although the viability of infected this woman with type II diabetes in later life is very high.
the incidence of gestational diabetes large in the Arab region, and the
seriousness and the effects of gestational diabetes on the mother and
the fetus, usually note that the doctor who is following the pregnancy, requests analysis of gestation glucose tolerance GGT,
in early pregnancy and center of the end of pregnancy, where the Laboratory measurement of fasting glucose by giving the mother-rated
and well-known quantity of syrup - drink - contains sugar, and is
measured in blood sugar after an hour - two hours - three hours.
Last Update
2/16/2011 6:12:05 AM