What Is The Role of These Nerves In Diabetic Foot Infection?

 When you are affected by these nerves diabetes, and being patient with diabetes for the wounded - even if slightly - this wound will lead to inflammation is not feeling it, and will neglect to obtain significant complications; Therefore, loss of sense of touch or pressure may lead to ulceration because of the shoes tight, and Then complications arise.

What is the role of motor nerves in the spread of the disease in the foot?
 Weak muscles in the foot motor to muscle atrophy, and then change the shape of the foot, and this change leads to the transmission of the pressure areas - because of weight - from areas well suited to carry to new areas, and cause ulcers.

Dry skin and ischemic

Is dry skin a significant impact in increasing diabetic foot complications?

 Yes, Valoasab independent controls in the degree of skin sweating, and when the affected foot to become dry, and this in turn leads to cracks in the skin leading to infections.

Last Update
5/7/2011 6:38:01 AM