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What Is Diabetes?
Arteriopathy In Patients With Diabetes
Diabetic Retinopathy
Moderation Arterial
Diabetic Neuropathy
Nerves That Are Affected
What Is The Role of These Nerves In Diabetic Foot
Viral infections
The Types of Diabetes
Juvenile Diabetes
Number of Diabetes Cases in Children Will Double
Adult Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
What Are The Risk Factors For Type I Diabetes?
What Are The Complications of Diabetes?
Acute complications
Chronic complications
Cardiovascular complications
Diabetes Treatment
Movement Helps to Fight Against Diabetes
Honey and Treatment of Ulcer
Cherry and diabetes
Natural Midecin
Industrial Pancreas
Can Pancreas transplantation
Sports and Diabetes
Evaluation The Blood Supply
Evaluation The State of Foot
Diabetic Foot
About The Diabetic Foot Problem
The Fact That Diabetic Foot Disease
Causes of Diabetic Foot
What are the symptoms of the onset of the diabetic
What Are The Symptoms of The Onset of The Diabetic
Sore Foot
Diabetic Foot Infection
Diagnosis of Nail Inflammation
Fungal Nail Infection Onychomycosis
The Signs of Ischemia :
diabetic foot complications
Diagnosis of Neuralgia Bouts
types of seizures neuralgia
Treatment Bouts Neuralgia
Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
Varicose Ulcer
Neuropathic Ulceration
The Most People Vulnerable to Ulcers Neurological
Deep Pain Feet at Rest
Diabetes and Foot
foot care
Nail Care
Foot Care
Daily Cleaning of The Feet
Remove The Heel Spur
What Is The Impact of Diabetic Foot Disease On Soc
Diabetic Books
Book Diabetes AZ
Book Directory Adequate For Diabetes
Book of Healthy Cooking for Diabetes
A Book On The Control of Diabetes
Book of My Life With Diabetes
Book of Diabetes - Its Causes, Its Complications A
Hundred Advice And Advice to Maintain The Health o
Diabetic Foot .. Prevention and Treatment
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Risk Factors
Gangrenous foot
The Early Symptoms of Gangrene
Why Does The Gangrene Happen?
What Is The Level of Amputation?
Q & A
Q & A 1
Inquire about diabetes
What Did The Diabetic Patients Benefit From The C
Can children use the tablets to regulate the diabe
Is it possible to leave the treatment if the diabe
How to choose a proper analysis of blood sugar?
Q & A 2
Is there scientific research in the field of diabe
multiple names for the materials found on the cove
Study: Aspirin Does Not Necessarily to Protect
Is There a Program For Diabetic Foot In Matters of
The Discovery of Molecular Mechanism
Q & A 3
Is Diabetic Foot Different In The Arab World?
Can I measure the sugar level by analyzing urine
Is the diabetes program disease has levels
How to benefit from home analysis device of sugar
Is Diabetes New In The Arab World?
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مستشفى الأسنان الجامعي
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الخيمة الرياضية
الملاعب الرياضية
الوقف العلمي بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
صفحة البحث
Sheikh Mohammed Hussien Al-Amoudi Chair for Diabetic Foot Researches
Book of Diabetes - Its Causes, Its Complications And Treatment
Dr. Mohammed bin Saad Hamid
Professor of Pharmacology - University of King Saud
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
1428 - 2007
First Printing
To download the whole book - - PDF-zip-click on this link
Chapter I: Definition of diabetes and the mechanism of action of insulin
When someone develops diabetes?
scientific definition for diabetes
What is the pancreas?
What is Insulin?
blood glucose and insulin mechanism of action
What happens when a lack of insulin?
What the fate of insulin after performing the task?
Chapter II: The diagnosis of diabetes
How are diagnosed with diabetes?
test the level of sugar in the blood in the fasting state
How is the glucose tolerance test?
What is the hemoglobin A1C test, which must be done and what is diabetic, the meaning and importance of reading?
What are the general recommendations to examine the sugar?
Chapter III: Types of diabetes and its symptoms
types of diabetes
The first type
What is the cause of the first type?
Who gets the first type of sugar?
the factors that cause the risk of type I diabetes in children
Type II
What is the cause of type II?
Who gets the second type of sugar
diabetes in children and adults
Type III: Secondary Diabetes
Type IV: Gestational Diabetes
Who gets gestational diabetes?
difference for gestational diabetes normal
The planning of pregnancy when the sick sugar
Common symptoms of diabetes
Chapter IV: complications of diabetes on the organs and members of various body
Diabetes and nerve
diabetes and circulatory system and heart
diabetes and eye
diabetes and kidney
Diabetes and Digestive
diabetes and ED
The diabetic
diabetes, skin
diabetes and dental
diabetes and ear, nose
mental functions and memory loss
diabetes and cancer
diabetic and surgery
acetone sugar coma
diabetes and the menstrual cycle
diabetes and pressures
Chapter V: Treatment of Diabetes
The goal of treatment of diabetes
ways to treat diabetes
organization of food diabetic
the importance of sport to engage in diabetic
Pancreas transplantation
What is the cultivation of the pancreas?
Patients who are eligible for the pancreas transplant?
What are the types of cultivation of the pancreas?
What do you expect from the pancreas's New?
What are the complications that may occur after the pancreas transplant?
What if the failure of the pancreas's New?
wait for organ donors
Agriculture beta cells of the pancreas
What happens after the transplant?
What are the potential risks by the process of cultivation of cells?
What is the success rate of growing cells?
What if I fail the process of cell culture?
treatment of diabetes with insulin
Make Insulin
When is recourse to insulin therapy?
types of insulin used in the treatment
very fast-acting insulin
short-acting insulin
intermediate acting insulin
Long-acting insulin
mixture of insulin
What is the appropriate type of insulin for a diabetic?
Where to inject insulin?
How is insulin injections under the skin?
What are the places through which insulin injections?
the different ways to give insulin
giving insulin by injection
pre-filled insulin pens
the external insulin pump
Give insulin by inhalation
give the insulin in the form of tablets for oral
Give insulin by jet (without needles)
give insulin through the nose and patches
Give insulin by ultrasonic sound pulses
potential side effects of insulin
treatment of the sharp drop in blood sugar due to insulin
drugs interact with insulin
Save insulin
the reasons for the ineffectiveness of insulin
CD-reducing sugar
Vehicles sulfonylureas
benefits of drugs sulfonylureas, which are taken by mouth compared to injected insulin
the effectiveness and safety of drugs sulfonylureas
The first generation of drugs sulfonylureas
therapeutic dose
therapeutic dose
therapeutic dose
therapeutic dose
The second-generation sulfonylurea drugs
Jlaepjurajd (Gelepennekelamed)
therapeutic dose
therapeutic dose
therapeutic dose
mechanism of action of sulfonylurea drugs
the possible side effects of drugs sulfonylureas
the failure of sulfonylurea drugs and non-response of the body to them
drugs Almkulaitiend
RIBA Kulainid and Alnatikulainid and Almitikulaind
How do these drugs?
therapeutic dose
side effects of an imminent
drugs Bakoanid
How do these drugs?
Medical Uses
therapeutic dose
Possible Side Effects
alpha inhibitors Gelokozaeder
How do these drugs?
Medical Uses
Possible Side Effects
Vehicles Althiazouliden debt
Alrosefattazon and Albiokulaiazon
How do these drugs?
Medical Uses
Possible Side Effects
new drugs to treat type II diabetes
mechanism of drug action
therapeutic dose
Possible Side Effects
Chapter VI: The Facts of interest to diabetics
fasting and its effect on diabetic
use of alcohol and the risk of low blood sugar level
Alcohol and its effect on the nerve, eye, fat and sugar in a patient
Alcohol and its impact on nutrition diabetic
prevent diabetes
Important Tips for Diabetes
Last Update
5/7/2011 6:32:19 AM